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innovative technology solutions

onsite & offsite backups


Downtime due to technology failures is not an option in today’s fast paced business environment, backups are important.

A failed server or an accidental deletion of files could cause you to lose sales, or even go out of business completely. Deciding what to do about onsite or offsite storage, and how long to keep each backup are questions that business owners and executives have been faced with for years.

Enter Continuous Data Protection (CDP) devices and software. CDP solutions provide automatic, real-time data backup for servers, desktop computers, and laptops. Business critical files such as email and databases are automatically backed up to the local appliance or disk as soon as a user saves a new version, as opposed to the traditional nightly backups which record a single point in time. This backup can be kept onsite, or automatically sent offsite via your Internet connection.

It can be difficult with all the choices out there for CDP units, but we’ve found reliable products that offer a scalable, cost effective solution for businesses of all sizes. Regardless of size, these products offer:

  • Instant Recovery and File Versioning. The ability to restore various versions of files, not just the one from last night, is a welcome feature of the new CDP appliance.
  • Offsite Protection. This available feature uses encryption, advanced compression, and backup of only file differences to ensure your offsite data is sent quickly and securely. This offsite feature protects data against the risks of fire, theft, misplacement and other issues relating to tape or CD-based backup.
  • Security. Data is secured by the same encryption technologies implemented by major financial institutions and government agencies. These products utilizes public-key encryption and digital certificates as an additional layer of protection.
  • Remote Administration. IT Administrators can recover a deleted file or view vital statistics from a remote location. This saves valuable time and resources when simple file recovery is required.
  • Compression. These products offer compression technology that achieves compression ranges from 2:1 to 5:1 depending on file type. This allows efficient usage of disk space on the appliance.

Compliance is another issue these products address. All of our CDP products meet and comply with all federal and industry regulations on the protection, accessibility, and retention of information. These CDP solutions meet the following federal regulations:

  • HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
  • Sarbanes - Oxley: The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002
  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley: Protects consumer's financial private information
  • SEC / NASD: Securities and Exchange Commission / National Association of Securities Dealers